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Where Do Kitchen Sink Drain Smells Come From and How Can You Get Rid of Them?

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When you walk over to your kitchen sink to wash your hands or rinse off some dishes, are you struck with a nasty smell coming from your drains? We use our kitchen sinks every single day, so this is a very common issue in Bay Area homes. We want to help keep your kitchen smelling great, so today we’re going to talk about where kitchen sink drain smells come from and how you can get rid of them!

Where do kitchen sink drain smells come from?

The main culprit behind kitchen sink drain smells is food particles. Stop for a moment and think about all of the food scraps that get sent down your kitchen sink on a daily basis. Although it’d be great if all of those scraps were completely flushed out of your drains, that’s simply not the case.

Small food particles often stick to the insides of your pipes or the blades and walls of your garbage disposal, especially if you send grease and/or oils down your drains. In addition, if you try to send large food particles down your kitchen sink, they can create drain clogs.

When food particles are stuck in your drains, they decompose and give off an offensive odor. That odor gets even worse when bacteria begins to grow on those food particles. The more particles you have stuck in your drains, the more odors they will give off and the worse your kitchen sink drain will smell.

How can you get rid of kitchen sink drain smells?

How can you prevent kitchen sink drain smells?

The tips that we provided above can help get rid of drain smells, but they can also prevent them from developing in the first place. By performing one or more of those remedies about once per month, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of smells developing in your kitchen sink drain.

In addition, read our previous blog about preventing drain clogs. Kitchen sink clogs are often the source of bad smells, so preventing clogs will also help keep your drains smelling normal.

If you have any questions about why your kitchen sink drain smells, or if you’d like a plumbing system serviced or installed in your home, contact Cabrillo, your Bay Area plumbing, heating and air conditioning contractor.

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