Gifting – Thinking Outside of the Box
As December draws near, many of us are busy determining what holiday gifts can be easily purchased and conveniently wrapped up and decorated with some ribbon.
This season, try to avoid making hasty purchasing decisions and buying a large quantity of merchandise that has been mass produced overseas. Instead, take the time to look at what products and services are available in your local community and show concern for the well-being of your hardworking business neighbors.
Following are some ideas for Out of the Box Giving:
Does your intended have a favorite eatery? This holiday season focus on locally-owned restaurants. Owners of these establishments rely on the success of their business to provide for their families. Gift your intended a certificate or two to the restaurant or take her or him there for a holiday meal. Don’t forget the servers; tip generously.
Follow the meal with an evening of entertainment. Find a community theater in your town, or a venue that regularly hosts local music or talent. This is a great way to support up and coming artists. Support your local community theater with a pair of season passes.
Instead of forking over a ton of cash for cheap plastic lights and other decorations, consider a more impactful use for your money. Attend a local craft fair to purchase ornaments and other decorations. This will give your gifts a more personal touch. Holiday craft fairs are often run by religious organizations or nonprofits who provide local charitable services.
Tip a hardworking service provider, such as a package delivery man or garbage man, or leave a house cleaner or baby sitter a large tip. Do you have gardeners, doormen, personal trainers, or others who regularly serve you? You may want to consider tipping them as well.
Most people get their hair cut frequently. Does your intended have a favorite local beautician, barber, or hair stylist? Ask them for gift certificates. Also, consider tipping your barber or stylist extra for the holidays.
Has your intended expressed an interest in car detail or repair? Would he or she like vehicle modifications? Any locally owned shop would be happy to supply certificates for these services. And don’t forget about oil changes. Most people need them every few months. Also, consider a book of coupons for a local car wash. Everyone’s car gets dirty from time to time.
Are you trying to figure out how big your next flat screen should be? Is a replacement really necessary? Maybe your family would spend less time in front of the TV with a gym membership. There are plans available for all ages and discounts for families.
Does mom need a break? Hire a local cleaning person to come before or after a large get-together at your home. Perhaps a local carpet cleaning service would also be appropriate after a family event.
Computer or other technology problems? Move away from the big box stores and find a local repairman to tackle the problem. They would appreciate the extra cash.
What about lawn or property care plans? Would your significant other enjoy having a break from mowing the lawn or shoveling snow? Does your driveway need to be repaired, or your deck resurfaced? Could the exterior of your home use a little power washing?
Have you been putting off home repairs? Use Cabrillo to finally fix that minor inconvenience you have been dealing with and improve the comfort and safety of your home for your entire family. If you want something to wrap, we offer gift certificates. Or, Cabrillo can replace a major component or appliance for your intended and you can surprise them by decorating it with a large bow.
Have you been considering adding upgrades to your home? Cabrillo could install an air cleaner to help your family breathe easier year round. Or, perhaps a programmable thermostat could help bring down that electric bill a little.
This holiday season; leave the trinkets, novelties, and commercial items out of the picture. Start a new tradition of supporting your neighbors, your community, and all who have positively affected your life with their local goods and services.
And remember, Cabrillo is here this holiday season for all of your Plumbing, Heating and Cooling needs.