Water heaters aren’t known to make too much noise when they are operating, so it can be concerning when you begin to hear popping, banging or rumbling sounds coming from your unit. Today we’re going to talk about the most common reason why your water heater might start making noise and what you can do to quiet it down!
The most likely reason your water heater is making noise
The most likely explanation behind your water heating making noise is that sediment has built up on the bottom of your tank. This sediment is typically made up of calcium and magnesium deposits from your tap water, and it’s especially common in homes that have hard water.
When sediment builds up at the bottom of your water heater’s tank, it traps some hot water under it. As this happens, hot water bubbles begin to form and break through the sediment. This often results in a “popping” sound that is heard frequently while your water heater is running.
In addition, the sediment itself could be responsible for various water heater noises. That’s because the sediment is close to your water heater’s burning elements, which causes it to burn up and make various strange noises. As water flows through your water heater, sediment can also break off from the bottom and bang against the walls of your tank.
How to stop your water heater from making noise
If your water heater is making noise because of sediment build-up, the first thing you should do is to have it evaluated for an obvious cause. A qualified Cabrillo technician can do this for you and if sediment build-up is the culprit, they can flush the water heater tank or suggest another option to correct the problem.
There are also a couple of things you can do to prevent sediment from building up inside your tank in the first place. The first is to make sure you have professional maintenance performed on your water heateronce per year. During maintenance, we’ll flush your tank and clear away any sediment that has built up since your last maintenance appointment. Customers enrolled in our Gold Service Agreement program receive a complimentary water heater tune-up each year, which is just one of the many perks of the membership.
Another great option is to install a water softener in your home. A water softener removes minerals from your water before they can get into your water heater, which can significantly decrease sediment buildup inside your tank.
If you have any questions about your water heater making noise, or if you’d like a plumbing system serviced or installed in your home, contact Cabrillo, your Bay Area plumbing, heating and air conditioning contractor.